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Leipzig Leben

to My Blog!

       Hello readers, and welcome to Leipzig Leben! Here I will document my experiences throughout my abroad travels during the course of the 2023 summer semester….Summer semester? You might be thinking. Yup. Here, in Germany, Leipzig at least, the University follows a two semester schedule, containing both a winter and a summer semester. This year’s summer semester will run from the start of April until August. That means, I will be taking classes and exams at the same time that I am hanging out in the warm sun and swimming in local lakes.

       You’re welcome to follow along with my journey as I explore the culture niches of Germany. From local excursions to Bäckereien and Geschäfte to long distance travels in Der Schweiz or Tschechische Republik, you can read my stories as I encounter a cultural lifestyle in great contrast to my day-to-day endeavors in the US at school and home. 


All My Stories

About Me

Hi, I'm Will!
So good to have you here.  

Hey everybody my name is Will Russell and I am a sophomore at HWS. I am a physics major and was recently inducted into the Dual Degree Engineering program at Dartmouth. I am from a small town just north of Boston Massachusetts, so I have grown up next to the ocean and skiing in the New Hampshire mountains all my life. Traveling abroad to Leipzig is actually my first time out of the country, so it's all very new, challenging, and exciting! 


P.S. I am also a passionate photographer and will be sharing many photos of my abroad experience on my Insta and here. 

My Photography
Page in the works (Check the photography tab at the top)


Lessons of Life: Things
I've Learned, Moments I Cherish.

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